That Awkward Moment

Have yo ever shown up somewhere with the same outfit as someone else?  Do you leave the party and go home to change or do you leave to attend another event? Do you maneuver through the room whereas you never really come in contact with your contemporary? Do you walk right up to the person risking possible embarrassment? Thinking back I know the guys I hung around with in college would never let me forget showing up matching another person. I would own the moment by walking up and complimenting the guy. Later I would make a joke about myself and pose for a picture.

That awkward moment is also a 2014 romantic comedy. The Plot follows three young professional men navigate life and dating. The three men could not be more different. Mikey is a doctor who has been married for several years to his college sweet heart. Later we find out that Mikey’s wife cheated on him because he got boring. We watch him find himself all over again in an attempt to win her back. Jason and Daniel design book covers for a publishing company but, they are also still different. Daniel deep down is a romantic that denies it to the core until he falls in love with a mutual female friend that the three men share. Daniel keeps the romance in the closet so long he almost loses the girl. Jason who is the lead character is a serial dater with commitment issues. He advises that every relationship has there “So” moment! So what are we doing, So do you want to make us official, So do you want to meet my parents. At this point it has become awkward for Jason so he runs. The story follows him until he can no longer run and has to turn inward and fight his demons.

In thinking of the blog I began to think of my past awkward moment in regards to dating. I chuckle as I sounded real brave earlier talking about the guy with my shirt on. That has not always been the case. I have an example. I’m having what I believe is a nice conversation with a woman when I ask for her number at the end only to hear “I’m not interested”. What do you do with that feeling? I was having a conversation with some young women who advised they don’t ask men out. The reason being you ask? The answer lies in the “awkward moment” and his brother “rejection”. I thought about the things that are set or better yet not set in motion because we run from those moments.

This goes for males or females. Say you’re out on a date nothing serious so the date could be the first or the third or fourth. At the end of the night you lean in for a kiss and the other party dodges and puts there cheek on your cheek as they hug you. Do you continue to go on dates? Do you address the issue? Do you see the person six months later and hide behind the manikin in Macy’s? Oops….I can honestly say she was a very attractive manikin.

Dear Jane,

Jane we had a really good vibe at that party I met you at. I bought you drinks and engaged you in conversation. You said I was really deep and introspective but, then I would say some line about contraceptive that made you laugh. In the crowded room there we stood as if the world had just stood still….still trying make up in my mind the right time. Before I could ask we exchanged a kiss and then another followed by another. We exchanged numbers and you said you would be in touch. As you walked away I joked “I’d rush just to touch”… you smiled and illicit an “ole hush” as the door closed behind you. Moreover to the “will I ever see her again thoughts” I mulled over the “was that real” and “what actually was that thoughts”. Before day break I awake to one answer to my endless stream of questions. We talked about our people’s pain and struggle and wise cracked “hey that guy looks like Nipsey Russell”. We talked about the kisses and about life’s near misses. You would tell me that you’d like for me to take control sexually and that you wanted a leading role in my life. I’d reply let’s “role play” a sexually uninhibited married couple and you laughed.

When we finally saw each other weeks had passed but, you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. We talked, laughed and danced like all of life’s problems could be solved with a warm embrace. Soon after passion erupted like a ball of fire that rain through my body with a rush. I had a yearning to explore you like no one had ever before. I wanted to know every inch of you as God knows the number of hair strains on our head. To feel my face pressed against your awkward moment was divine like a fine wine. It was a substance that I couldn’t quite characterize as it was wet, but sticky while also being soft and textured. As I began to thrust myself toward your awkward moment you retreated. I asked what was wrong as you replied “I just wanted to talk”. I retreated with my awkward moment in my hand and replied “what do we talk about”.

Sincerely, Mr. Awkward Moment

That awkward moment equals that total vulnerability that makes us human beings. These are the moments that grow us as we are but clay that relies on the master’s touch.

The SCENT of a Woman

Women- The nature, characteristics, or feelings often attributed to women; womanliness.

She is clothed with strength and dignity; and she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not beat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: Many women do noble things, but you surpass all of them. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. (Proverbs 31:25-30)

What are the individual characteristics or independent nature of a particular woman that sets her aside from other women? The scent of a woman is way more than Fendi, Gucci and Prada. The scent of a woman is more than Light Blue (Dolce and Gabbana) Miss Dior (Christian Dior), Shalimar (Guerlain) and Chanel #5. It is my confession no my pleasure to meet you at the place where the scent of a woman lies. The top of your head to the Burberry scarf fitted around you’re your chest. I ask you to relax and sit down your baggage by Michael Kors as I slowly take off your red bottom heels by Christian Louboutin. The scent of a woman transcends her fashions sense, the physical and the metaphysical you’d think it be common sense. On a side note my poetry BEEN sounding like Common Since.

Phenomenal Woman

Pretty Women wonder where my secret lies. I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size But when I start to tell them, They think I’m telling lies. I say, It’s in the reach of my arms, The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lips. I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me.

– Maya Angelou

The tone of Maya Angelou’s poem is of a confident who does not care what people think of her. She is confident in her own skin that she wears like a designer gown. In the poem Maya Angelou celebrates femininity and details what characteristics make a woman phenomenal in her eyes. In an inspiring message Maya Angelou uplifts the inner beauty of women and tears down what society considers beautiful.

I was rollin around, in my mind it occurred

What if God was a her?

Would I treat her the same? Would I still be runnin’ game on her?

In what type of ways would I want her?

Would I want her for her mind or her heavenly body?

Couldn’t be getting’ out bogus with somebody so godly

If I was wit’ her would I still be wantin’ my ex?

The lies, the greed, the weed, the sex

Wouldn’t be ashamed to give her part of my check

Wearin’ her cross, I mean the heart on my neck

Her I would reflect on the streets of the Chi

Ride wit’ her, cause I know for me she’d die

Through good and bad call on her like I’m chirpin’ her

Couldn’t be jealous cause other brothers worship her

Walk this earth for her, glory, I’m grateful

To be in her presence I try to stay faithful


In the above verses the rapper Common provided a view of women from the male view point in his song Faithful Lyrics. In the song Common analyzes how he/men would treat women if they thought there woman was God. It also points out the strength that he sees in women. It is clear that he is not treating the woman in the song well but, she is still willing to die for him. I think it also should for women shed light on how you should carry yourself. It is clear that this woman is Common’s backbone but, she is getting half of him because she is incomplete. I have said in earlier blogs when we are complete we find partners and when we aren’t we fill voids. I don’t want you to rest into you smell yourself so clear it reminds you of a happy place from your childhood. So you say I’m not a phenomenal woman. I’m just not. Every woman has a phenomenal woman inside of her she just has to find her scent.