Why is Oscar so white?

Arguably the most recognized trophy in the western world traces its origins to the year 1929. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences  wanted to bestow upon worthy recipients an honor that encouraged excellence of all facets of motion picture production.  As of 2015 2,947 8 1/2 pound gold plated academy awards have been given out.

Eddie Murphy is known today more so for his affable characters displayed in movies ” Norbit” and “Shrek”.  There was a time when Eddie Murphy was this brash outspoken comedian who challenged everything in popular culture. This included jokes on homosexuals, women dating men for status and racial injustice. In the above video Eddie Murphy openly admits that he was going to boycott the  1988 Oscars.

Eddie Murphy cited Hattie McDaniel, Sidney Poitier and Louis Gossett Jr. as the only black recipients of the award. Murphy would later make a joke that at the current rate someone black would win Oscar in 2004. Coincidentally Jamie Foxx won for Best Actor in a Leading Role for his portrayal of Ray Charles in 2004.

Sidney Poitier was honored for Best Actor in a Leading Role in 1963 but, it took nearly 40 years for Denzel Washington to be honored. In a 2008 interview Tavis Smiley asked  Denzel Washington about his response to the sentiment in the black community that he is not recognized for his work. Denzel Washington answered as only he could very seriously at first and then laughed it off “don’t get me wrong receiving acclaim is nice” as only he can. I received a great quote from the Denzel Washington interview he said ” man gives the award..God gives the reward”. I like that quote but, I also believe in a quote my father told me ” a man who stands for nothing  will fall for anything.

Jada Pinkett Smith has decided to boycott the 2016 edition of the Oscars because of the lack of black nominees. Jada Pinkett Smith speaks for the need for blacks to recognize there true power and the need to respect and hold themselves  in a higher regard. Jada Pinkett Smith also speaks about blacks keeping money in there communities in an effort to cultivate togetherness and independence from mainstream money and thought.

In the less then 40 hours since the posting of the video anybody with a blog has written on the subject and anybody with a mic has put it into’s someone’s face looking for a quote. In my mind it does nor really matter where you are on the issue. I personally love  people who take a stand on there own merits.  Jada Pinkett Smith took a stand for something that she believed was a crude injustice. In taking that stand she has raised awareness which has sparked dialogue that hopefully will lead to change.

I’m not saying I’m gonna change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world.   – Tupac Shakur

Back to the Future

The two wheeled self-balancing board commonly referred to as a “hoverboard” swept the nation in 2015. In actuality a “hoverboard” more closely resembles what Marty McFly rode in the movie “Back to the Future 2”  but, I digress. Due to China’s lax patent enforcement the “hoverboards” true creator is unknown. We do know that Chic Robotics released the “Smart S1” in August 2014 and patented technologies associated with the board. Again, I say we do not know for sure because Shane Chen is also credited for inventing “Hovertrax” in 2013.

Now, that we know where the boards came from let’s see how they work. The wheels of the hoverboard house the electric motors and also contain a tilt and speed sensor. This detects the rpm and sends it to the speed controls located next to the wheels. For example the more your leaning forward, the faster the logic board tells the motor to spin to catch  up with your body weight. The hoverboard reaches speeds between 6 and 12 mph.

Self Balancing Scooter Components


There are an estimated 13 different versions of the “hoverboard” as each company calls the board something differently.  Two of the more expensive hoverboards  the “lo Hawk” and the “Phunkee Duck” range from $1,000- $1,800. As the market has become saturated and demand has increased the median price has dropped between $300-$500. The price drop still has the boards rather pricey but, the average Joe is now able to purchase one. In addition on a single charge the board can last up to three hours and can support weight up to 300 pounds

With anything that is mass produced without regulations there will be…u guessed it…”pit falls”.  I believe the recent boards catching fire are a direct relation to  high demand and an  unregulated market.  Like anything that is unregulated manufactures can simply cut corners but, my assertion is unproven. Of the cases reported a general cause i.e defect nor problematic brand has not been identified.  We do know that the lithium ion batteries that are in the boards are highly volatile which could explain some of the explosions.

Many US cities have banned the riding of hoverboards in certain public places that include the airport and the mall. In New York for example the NYPD deems them as illegal and persons can be fined $200 for riding. At the opposite end of the spectrum effective Jan 1, 2016 a California law will allow hoverboards to be ridden in bike lanes and pathways.  In addition most  US Airlines have banned hoverboards on passenger flights.

The SCENT of a Woman

Women- The nature, characteristics, or feelings often attributed to women; womanliness.

She is clothed with strength and dignity; and she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not beat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: Many women do noble things, but you surpass all of them. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. (Proverbs 31:25-30)

What are the individual characteristics or independent nature of a particular woman that sets her aside from other women? The scent of a woman is way more than Fendi, Gucci and Prada. The scent of a woman is more than Light Blue (Dolce and Gabbana) Miss Dior (Christian Dior), Shalimar (Guerlain) and Chanel #5. It is my confession no my pleasure to meet you at the place where the scent of a woman lies. The top of your head to the Burberry scarf fitted around you’re your chest. I ask you to relax and sit down your baggage by Michael Kors as I slowly take off your red bottom heels by Christian Louboutin. The scent of a woman transcends her fashions sense, the physical and the metaphysical you’d think it be common sense. On a side note my poetry BEEN sounding like Common Since.

Phenomenal Woman

Pretty Women wonder where my secret lies. I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size But when I start to tell them, They think I’m telling lies. I say, It’s in the reach of my arms, The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lips. I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me.

– Maya Angelou

The tone of Maya Angelou’s poem is of a confident who does not care what people think of her. She is confident in her own skin that she wears like a designer gown. In the poem Maya Angelou celebrates femininity and details what characteristics make a woman phenomenal in her eyes. In an inspiring message Maya Angelou uplifts the inner beauty of women and tears down what society considers beautiful.

I was rollin around, in my mind it occurred

What if God was a her?

Would I treat her the same? Would I still be runnin’ game on her?

In what type of ways would I want her?

Would I want her for her mind or her heavenly body?

Couldn’t be getting’ out bogus with somebody so godly

If I was wit’ her would I still be wantin’ my ex?

The lies, the greed, the weed, the sex

Wouldn’t be ashamed to give her part of my check

Wearin’ her cross, I mean the heart on my neck

Her I would reflect on the streets of the Chi

Ride wit’ her, cause I know for me she’d die

Through good and bad call on her like I’m chirpin’ her

Couldn’t be jealous cause other brothers worship her

Walk this earth for her, glory, I’m grateful

To be in her presence I try to stay faithful


In the above verses the rapper Common provided a view of women from the male view point in his song Faithful Lyrics. In the song Common analyzes how he/men would treat women if they thought there woman was God. It also points out the strength that he sees in women. It is clear that he is not treating the woman in the song well but, she is still willing to die for him. I think it also should for women shed light on how you should carry yourself. It is clear that this woman is Common’s backbone but, she is getting half of him because she is incomplete. I have said in earlier blogs when we are complete we find partners and when we aren’t we fill voids. I don’t want you to rest into you smell yourself so clear it reminds you of a happy place from your childhood. So you say I’m not a phenomenal woman. I’m just not. Every woman has a phenomenal woman inside of her she just has to find her scent.

The Re-education of the Negro

The Mis-Education of the Negro is a book written by Dr. Carter G. Woodson in 1933. Dr. Woodson is credited with black history week which later became black history month. In the book Dr. Woodson challenged African Americans to read and do for themselves so they are not dependent on whites. Dr. Woodson argued that the history that was taught to blacks in school caused them to seek out an inferior place in society.

Michael Brown was shot on August 9, 2014 in Ferguson Missouri and the black community was outraged. What did the black community do? We enlisted the help of a famous rapper, marched, protested, looted oh and a reverend or two spoke. All the major media outlets covered this story right up until Robin Williams committed suicide on August 11, 2014. So I ask did we as blacks are even the community of blacks in Missouri effect change? I heard Malcolm X say once that blacks are the only people that have “peaceful revolutions”. He insists that in every major revolution there has been a fight for land and much blood shed. Land is said to hold great power because land is equated to not only physical freedom but, economic and spiritual freedom.

If you’re keeping score there was something awful that happened to a young black man followed by sympathy and a brief national outcry. The outcry that was so short the shooting can still classified as a “black thing” to the masses. Yes, a black something terrible that happens to the black community that causes sympathy but, does not affect the masses. Then there was a tragic death that refocused our attention i.e. a distraction followed by another distraction. You may remember Joan Rivers died on September 4, 2014.

Now we bring the cycle full circle by tearing down the image of the black man. On September 8, 2014 the complete elevator video of Ray Rice punching his now wife was released to the public. This blog is not about morality so I want get into the altercation I just urge you to look at when it was leaked. It was not an accident. The incident took place on February 15, 2014. On September 13, 2014 Adrian Peterson was booked and charged with injuring a child before he was released on bond. The incident he was arrested for took place in May. Does anyone see that pattern? Again I will not argue morality because if any person black or white does the crime they should do the time. The appearance of the powers that be holding information until they can get the most destruction and create hopeless within the race is real. Media brainwashing is real.

Have you ever heard the compliment “he speaks so well” by some media member or politico referring to a black person? Now ask yourself have you ever heard a white person give another white person that compliment? Go back and listen to some of the things that were said about the president when he was running for office. Have you ever heard what is said when Michael Eric Dyson or Stephen A. Smith speak? In 2010 comedian Chris Rock did a set about Colon Powell running for president. “Colon Powell can’t win”. “Colon Powell has a better chance at winning the bronze in female gymnastics”. White people always give Colon Powell the same compliments “he speaks so well”, “he’s so well spoken”. Speaks so well is not a compliment. Speaks so well is something you say about a retarded kid that can talk. He’s an educated man how is he supposed to sound. What voice where you looking to her out of his mouth. “Umma drop me a bomb today”. “I’ll be prezoodent”. In this piece I highlighted media brainwashing as it relates to blacks but, it is something that crosses racial, gender and socioeconomic lines. I argue that the brainwashing of black happens so early that most don’t even realize that they are being positioned and puppeteered

They say the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist


Rapper’s Delight

I am far from what mainstream America would call an accomplished writer. I do it because frankly I love to do it. I think when you enjoy the “process” just as much as you enjoy the finished product and or the notoriety that comes with the product I think you really have something. I’ll explain. When I played football I loved early morning workouts and practice just as much as the game because I loved the sport. I love research, note taking, deep thought and everything that goes into preparing a work.

In this age that we live in it becomes very hard sometimes to focus. There are constant distractions that range from television, music, food, social media and everything in between. In what I attempt to do with my work I need to be in a certain mental space. I give God a lot of the credit for being able to get into the peaceful, focused place where my thoughts run free like children at play. I think we have to take a look at what we’re feeding ourselves in relation to where we are trying to go in life.

In a December 2014 radio interview rapper J. Cole on air to promote his new album touched on several topics. “Guys been making the same music for 30 years yet they still trying to sell it to us, keep trying to milk us”. “Some little kid is listening to this garbage thinking yea that’s what I want to be”. J. Cole whose new album features a very moving tribute to the late Eric Garner said “when I was younger I tried to be politically correct but, I’m doing myself and people a great disservice by not speaking up”. J. Cole said that his comment could be what some little kid needs to connect the dots and that same little kid may change the world.

J. Cole went on to say that the people at the top” “I don’t know who they are but, they love the fact that people are too busy to stand for something”. Life happens and you don’t have the time to fight or even care to fight. “I know dude died but, I got bills, Instagram is popping, twitter is popping and love and hip hop reunion is on”. “They love to see you preoccupied while they molest and milk the world”. J. Cole went on to say that he does not know if another system exists but, he wants capitalism to go away. “Someone created the I-phone and it changed the world”. “The people that have the capacity to create something like that did not say thanks and look to make something different”. “They looked to make the exact same thing but, cheaper”. “You are doing something that’s not needed just to make money”. “That food is killing us but, it makes money”. “That television show is hurting us but, it makes money”. “This music is killing us, rotting us but, it makes money”. J. Cole said that his examples go for any industry.

The host asked J. Cole specifically what he thought about shows like Love and Hip Hop J. Cole replied “trash”. “It is the lowest form of entertainment but, its entertainment”. “For those that say there just watching it for that purposes what else do you watch”? “I don’t want to even put it on you”. “Better yet what other shows do they show you that can counteract it or is that all you get”.

I think a lot about effecting change. I think sometimes what if a mass amount of people of no particular race stopped buying, watching or shopping somewhere. I think about what kind of change that would have on the society that we live in. Imagine if no one in America watched a reality television show tomorrow. I believe half of the reality shows on television what stop airing. Autism in youth and Alzheimer diagnosis in the elderly has double in the last 25 years. All the research and studies comes back to a point that nobody wants to admit in my mind The FOOD! What if everyone in your city refused to eat fast food for a day? What if everyone in your town or neighborhood only purchase organically grown food from the local supermarket for a week.

Have you ever seen the movie Money Train? Money Train is a 1995 action drama that stars Woody Harrison and Wesley Snipes as Transit Cops. The Antagonist in the Robert Blake plays transit captain Donald Patterson. Patterson’s prize possession is the “money train” which carries all collected revenue for the subway. Patterson with his classic “little man complex” tells the pair after causing his train to be late that he would kill them if it happens again. In the end Woody Harrison robs the money train.

I think it has become clear that that the money train machine that is capitalism is not going to stop on its own. The onus becomes on us to strictly control what we put into our minds and body. If enough people change my hope is that we will begin to change the world we live in.

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.

-Mark Twain