A meeting with self

If one is in an abusive relationship  there are many resources and supports available. There are domestic violence shelters, support groups and phone numbers  to call. There are rally’s, walks and conventions to raise awareness. There are specific protocols for law enforcement which follows legislation set at at the state and federal level to curtail such behavior.

If one is dealing with depression or low self esteem there are resources and supports available.  There are programs  that promote holistic treatment like a healthy diet, exercise and talk therapy.  Yoga and meditation are also treatments that some use to find balance in there daily lives.  There are also self help books, seminars and counseling. In addition the school of thought that there is healing power found in spiritual connection and fellowship still exists.

If one is dealing with an unfair environment at there place of employment that are also measures in place. Human Resources takes complaints and files grievances on the part of workers. For some professions that are labor unions available that support each other and will strike if necessary. There is also the ability to transfer to a new unit, new division or file for unemployment if you one quits due to unfair treatment.

These are very real situations that a lot  of us have dealt with. The good thing is if you are smiling today you found one or more of the answers I outlined. In the process of finding that/those answers I venture to say that you found yourself /found more about self..

However, the biggest battle that most of us will fight in our life is not in a court room, on a hospital bed or in a ball field. The biggest battle lies within self. The ability to forgive yourself for the wrong you committed to another or the sin that is your personal struggle. The belief that you can actually become the rose that grew from concrete.  The understanding that the unknown is scary but, faith brings with it the hope of tomorrow.

Words with Friends

I have a love of words and have for as longs as I can remember. I love playing with words or word play which is actually a play on words.  If you have ever told or laughed at a “that’s what she said joke” you witnessed a “double entendre”. A double entendre is a figure of speech or particular wording that is devised to be understood in either of two ways.

I was recently having a conversation about communication and I would learn quickly that I was out of my element. You see I like to converse about a variety of subjects and I have been told I can be long winded like a Baptist minister. I can talk endlessly about sports or life lessons but, I learned I was not always communicating or being an effective communicator.  Communication is defined as the verbal/non verbal exchange of information that requires a response.

I think we all could agree that being an effective communicator means conveying an articulate message with easy to follow directives.  In addition an effective communicator needs to listen showing verbal and nonverbal cues. The cues if used properly ease the speaker therefore he/she communicates openly and honestly. After receiving the information the receiver  needs to respond in a way that affirms the speaker i.e repeating the information back to him/her.

If you know anyone that is married they will tell you that marriage is difficult especially the first year.  In the opening scene we find Whitley waking up early in the morning to brush her teeth so Dwayne will be affectionate. In the episode Whitley continues sending subliminal message to Dwayne before  turning to talk show host Montell Williams for advice. In the end she turns to her  friends  before finally opening up to Dwayne.

I can attest to being passive aggressive at times and also simply  not being a good active listener.  I also can attest to speaking with friends/family instead of the person that I have the issue with. At the end of the episode like in life we learn that genuine care, concern and selflessness goes along way in the art that is communication.

The episode in its entirety brings to light poor communication practices  that are displayed in  relationships. I used Dwayne and Whitley as an example for interpersonal conflict more so than men vs women.  I chuckle as I advise this blog was not intended to solve the conundrum that is man/female communication.



The trip of a lifetime

There was this ole boy named Johnny Francis. Now Johnny didn’t take no mess from anyone and he would be the first to tell you so. In Johnny’s mind the world belonged to him. Johnny was a nice size fellow who could whoop women and men the same. Johnny kept a razor blade in his pocket each and every day until one day he didn’t. As the story goes Johnny was walking through downtown and this old shoe shine man got in his way. Johnny kicked the old man but, before you could blink the old man tripped Johnny. Johnny ended up flat on his back as the man neatly pressed a steel blade against his neck. The old man said “I’ve killed the old man in you but, I’m going to let the new man live”.  Johnny arrived home completely shaken suddenly realizing that he had his blade in his pocket the whole time. Johnny didn’t find the blade or a lot of his others ways much useful after that.

(1)Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. (Proverbs 27: 1)

Now, I’m Jewish and he’s a Muslim…and because of that he tells me I need to give up certain things, like pork and white women…I can give up the pork, but the white women? God D*mn, how the hell do you do that?

  • Drew “Bundini” Brown

Charlie Rose is an award winning journalist and television show host who has interviewed everyone from prime ministers and foreign dignitaries to sports stars. Charlie Rose recently appeared on TBS to speak with Kenny Smith, Charles Barkley and others during March Madness. The questions quickly turned to Rose’s background and his pointers for a good interview. Rose advised that he worked at the store that his parents owned and being the only child no adults would talk to him unless he asked questions. Rose advised that people fascinated him and stoked his curiosity more than anything.  Charles Barkley asked Charlie Rose how he interviews an entertainer and makes it look so easy as he interviews the president of a country the next day. Rose advised that there is something interesting about everyone you just have to be first curious and second prepared. Rose also advised that he just tries to stay in the moment. Kenny Smith asked Rose how he interview’s people that are difficult or considered “bad”. Rose advised in short that he is always surprised about interviews because some of the “bad people” have been the most engaging, pleasant and relaxed interviews he has had.  Rose advised that out of the what, when and why questions the “why” normally gets people talking. “Why did you feel that way”? “Why did you do you make that decision”?

Some people that know me say that I am “the life” of the party. These people would also say I am really engaging in conversation and easy to be around because I have an infectious personality. Other people would say I am deep, passionate, introspect and my thoughts seam to run endlessly like children at play. This deep/introspective perspective that I am blessed with always me to take utter nothingness and turn it into beautiful bless born on paper. Then there’s a contingent that would say I am very humble, meek, quiet, selective with my words and more selective with actions. I am all of these things and more. I embrace all of these attributes and characteristics because they create the depth that is me. I really enjoy people that have a story. I really enjoy people that have layers to their personality. In this age of followers, favorites and five minute dating I believe we are losing our substance. I think even more today than ever to be different is to me disliked.

Image result for muhammad ali pictures and quotes

He was the salutatorian for his high school class and voted most likely to succeed as he graduated with a 4.2 GPA. He moved on to Stanford University where he graduated with an undergraduate degree in communications. He also completed his first year of graduate level study in communications before putting his studies on hold to enter the professional ranks. Aside from his work professionally he has started a foundation that purchases school supplies for students in low income families. The young man has visited several schools personally spreading the message of hope and determination. Sound like the guy you want your daughter to bring home?

If this same person was called a nig*er, jungle monkey or ape what does that say about our culture. If several people made comments that they believed the young man should be shot in the head would you be embarrassed? If these comments were made by your brother, sister or cousin would you be understanding and ask him/her why? I think to myself if this young man is being labeled as a thug with a degree from Stanford what would I be called? I don’t have a cookie cutter personality nor am I ALWAYS politically correct.  This blog is not about racist or racism. This blog is about the “why”. This blog is about the effort or lack thereof that we exert to understand our fellow man without judgment, condemnation or spite. If you show humility and understanding you may be the trip that allows someone to land on their feet.

The Power of the Pen

Have you ever heard of “the power of the pen”? The power of the pen is an old adage that was coined by author and playwright Edward Bulwer- Lytton. “True, This – Beneath the rule of men entirely great. The pen is mightier than the sword Behold the arch- enchanters wand”! Bulwer- Lytton was advising that administrative power or advocacy of an independent press is a more effective tool than direct violence. If you look back in American history the Negro was denigrated and ostracized in newspapers that he (a) had no voice (b) had no access. By comparison the government in communist countries control the media as the only communication accepted for print must positively reflect the government and its position.

“When you control a man’s thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. When you determine what a man shall think you do not have to concern yourself about what he will do. If you make a man feel that he is inferior, you do not have to compel him to accept an inferior status, for he will seek it himself. If you make a man think that he is justly an outcast, you do not have to order him to the back door. He will go without being told; and if there is no back door, his very nature will demand one.”

  • Carter G. Woodson

I was about 10/11 years old when I received a slightly different but, just as palpable definition of “the power of the pen”. Kerry (My mother’s voice) “do you know your teacher called me today”? (Me) No Ma’am (knowing full well several teachers probably had a reason to call her). Come in her young man (Mom). Kerry “the teacher told me you were fighting in class and when she confronted you, you became disrespectful”. Furthermore she tells me you have a C in her class and a D in conduct. I attempted to explain: “she was wrong”, “she does not like me” but, my mother would hear nothing of it. She said “son at the end of the day it’s her word against yours and she has the power of the pen so you will lose every time”.

I think about some of the talks I and my mother had and I laugh because she was usually right. I learned many life lessons and people skills that I carry with me today. The first time I heard “If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all” was in reference to school behavior. “Treat people how you want to be treated”. “If everybody jumped off a bridge are you going to jump too”?” “Use your head for more than a hat rack”. “If you want respect you first have to give respect”. “Two wrongs don’t make a right”. “D is for dummy, are you a dummy?” I know some of the quotes sound old foggy but, is that bad?

To my point these lessons learned became the principles that I stand on today as a man nearing 30. In an earlier blog I spoke of how Rousseau deemed it a detriment to the human condition to have your own personal self- worth/value tied to the comments of others. In a way that statement is 100% true and by the same token there is great value in the observations/comments of others.  There is socialization and a reinforcing of positive behavior that goes with smiley faces and check marks. In the same way poor conduct grades and timeout are usually good deterrents to unwanted behaviors. If you are socialized or you conform you are what? You’re most likely to stay out of trouble and receive average to above average grades depending on your effort.  This conformity when learned at a young age usually bears fruit later in life. Even as adults we are socialized. Of course there are traffic, civil and criminal laws that govern society. Anyone that has ever received a traffic citation understands the phrase “ignorance of the law is not an excuse”.

On a more personal level we are socialized by magazines and television on what fashion is in and what cars to drive. Do you remember your last performance review at work? Depending on whom your supervisor is/was that can really be a trip to the principal’s office. In reference to social media we are socialized in so many ways it’s not real. “I’ve heard people say it makes me feel good when I get a certain number of likes”. “I post these kinds of pictures because that’s what people like”. “I sometimes post pictures to show people that I’m having fun after I’ve seen my friends post pictures of them having fun”. Is this the most asinine thing you have ever heard? Yes. Have I heard them all and much more? Yes.

I really wanted to write this blog to briefly discuss some of the positive and negative effects of the pen. I think the pen can be very positive when it is used to reinforce positive behaviors. I also think the pen can go a long way to curtail unwanted behavior. The pen can also be emotionally devastating when it is used in a mean spirited/spiteful manner. The pen has its place in our society and more personally with each and every one of us. I have said many times when we are complete people we can find mates that complements us instead of mates that are intended to fill a void. I feel similarly in that when we are complete individuals we are less likely to be critical and judgmental of others. I have made it a point to critique my friends and love one’s without being “critical”. When you put yourself in people’s shoes and offer a critique you find an ear but, when you are critical you find a wall.

When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7)

Poetic Justice

Have you ever had the feeling in your head that you were so close to dating but, in actuality you were a million miles away? It kind of reminds me of Superman rescuing Lois Lane just when it appeared that injury or death was a near certainty. As a kid you would really believe that Lois Lane was going to be hurt. In the same way you believed that the bad guy would have gotten away if it weren’t for those meddling kids and their dog.  Is this a paradox?

In thinking about what I know about relationships I was reminded of this non-traditional love story called Love Jones. The movie starring Nia Long (Nina) and Larenz Tate (Darius) quickly jumps into this mutual attraction that the two share.

The character Nina is just getting out of a relationship while Darius is attempting to see if Nina was just “one” or “the one”. From there the two embark on this on again off again, I love you/I hate you, why are we moving so fast roller coaster ride. As the film progresses the two split in dramatic fashion with Nina’s character taking a job in another city. Apart the two find great success in their careers of choice but, the viewer can easily see a void in each party’s life. Fate brings the lovers back to the poetry lounge where they met and Nina performs a poem as Darius did for her years earlier. Nina leaves as Darius appears absent but, as she catches a cab in the pouring rain he appears. The movie does not end with a wedding or a walk in the sunset. The movie ends with a question and a decision to be made. I love it because relationships begin with a commitment and they last by staying true to that commitment. The viewer has no idea how the story will end but, the possibilities are endless. I think that’s a reason why I love the “thought” of dating.

I had a friend of mine ask me why I was still single. She quickly interrupted advising “hey what happened on your last few dates”? I responded with my customary “they were ok”. She said let me guess you had a “moment of clarity”? I keep talking attempting to explain but, she stopped me. Kerry a moment of clarity is when a man has sex with a woman and realizes “I’m just not that in to you”. I laughed as surely I was past this juvenile pursuit but, I did reflect on what she said later. Am I ready to settle down? What am I looking for? Had I failed to meet my Nina in the rain?

I was having a conversation with an associate who was having some issues dating. In speaking with her for about 30 minutes I was easily able to asset her dating profile. I said you need to address the issues in your past so you can fully grow and heal. I said you also need to adjust not lower but, adjust your dating expectations. What do you need, not what do you want in a mate? I told her that it appeared to me that she needed someone that valued her needs and always had her back. She paused for a moment and said “yes, that’s really all I need”. Lastly I advised that meeting males that were comfortable just being friends would be beneficial for her. I advised “the best advice that I have ever received has been from people that did not want a thing from me”. The clarity and assuredness that I spoke with made me think more about myself.

As I’ve gotten older I wonder is it odd that I’ve only had two serious relationships. One could point to many factors and some would be true and some not. To be short I’ve not really wanted a girlfriend. So in a way being single is kind of what I have always done. I do get the questions asking did I get hurt when I did fall in love and did it ruin “relationships” for me as I smile. Of course the end of relationships hurt but, actually it was one of the best things that could have happened to me. The end of the relationship allowed me to grow so much as a man and set the course for me to grow professionally and become a better writer. So thinking on it I’m actually more open to a relationship than ever. I just think sharing your life with someone is the most precious gift you can give. I haven’t met her yet but, I imagine when I do hear her name I’ll know because it will sound like love.

Loving one’s self is the beginning of a lifelong romance

That Awkward Moment

Have yo ever shown up somewhere with the same outfit as someone else?  Do you leave the party and go home to change or do you leave to attend another event? Do you maneuver through the room whereas you never really come in contact with your contemporary? Do you walk right up to the person risking possible embarrassment? Thinking back I know the guys I hung around with in college would never let me forget showing up matching another person. I would own the moment by walking up and complimenting the guy. Later I would make a joke about myself and pose for a picture.

That awkward moment is also a 2014 romantic comedy. The Plot follows three young professional men navigate life and dating. The three men could not be more different. Mikey is a doctor who has been married for several years to his college sweet heart. Later we find out that Mikey’s wife cheated on him because he got boring. We watch him find himself all over again in an attempt to win her back. Jason and Daniel design book covers for a publishing company but, they are also still different. Daniel deep down is a romantic that denies it to the core until he falls in love with a mutual female friend that the three men share. Daniel keeps the romance in the closet so long he almost loses the girl. Jason who is the lead character is a serial dater with commitment issues. He advises that every relationship has there “So” moment! So what are we doing, So do you want to make us official, So do you want to meet my parents. At this point it has become awkward for Jason so he runs. The story follows him until he can no longer run and has to turn inward and fight his demons.

In thinking of the blog I began to think of my past awkward moment in regards to dating. I chuckle as I sounded real brave earlier talking about the guy with my shirt on. That has not always been the case. I have an example. I’m having what I believe is a nice conversation with a woman when I ask for her number at the end only to hear “I’m not interested”. What do you do with that feeling? I was having a conversation with some young women who advised they don’t ask men out. The reason being you ask? The answer lies in the “awkward moment” and his brother “rejection”. I thought about the things that are set or better yet not set in motion because we run from those moments.

This goes for males or females. Say you’re out on a date nothing serious so the date could be the first or the third or fourth. At the end of the night you lean in for a kiss and the other party dodges and puts there cheek on your cheek as they hug you. Do you continue to go on dates? Do you address the issue? Do you see the person six months later and hide behind the manikin in Macy’s? Oops….I can honestly say she was a very attractive manikin.

Dear Jane,

Jane we had a really good vibe at that party I met you at. I bought you drinks and engaged you in conversation. You said I was really deep and introspective but, then I would say some line about contraceptive that made you laugh. In the crowded room there we stood as if the world had just stood still….still trying make up in my mind the right time. Before I could ask we exchanged a kiss and then another followed by another. We exchanged numbers and you said you would be in touch. As you walked away I joked “I’d rush just to touch”… you smiled and illicit an “ole hush” as the door closed behind you. Moreover to the “will I ever see her again thoughts” I mulled over the “was that real” and “what actually was that thoughts”. Before day break I awake to one answer to my endless stream of questions. We talked about our people’s pain and struggle and wise cracked “hey that guy looks like Nipsey Russell”. We talked about the kisses and about life’s near misses. You would tell me that you’d like for me to take control sexually and that you wanted a leading role in my life. I’d reply let’s “role play” a sexually uninhibited married couple and you laughed.

When we finally saw each other weeks had passed but, you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. We talked, laughed and danced like all of life’s problems could be solved with a warm embrace. Soon after passion erupted like a ball of fire that rain through my body with a rush. I had a yearning to explore you like no one had ever before. I wanted to know every inch of you as God knows the number of hair strains on our head. To feel my face pressed against your awkward moment was divine like a fine wine. It was a substance that I couldn’t quite characterize as it was wet, but sticky while also being soft and textured. As I began to thrust myself toward your awkward moment you retreated. I asked what was wrong as you replied “I just wanted to talk”. I retreated with my awkward moment in my hand and replied “what do we talk about”.

Sincerely, Mr. Awkward Moment

That awkward moment equals that total vulnerability that makes us human beings. These are the moments that grow us as we are but clay that relies on the master’s touch.

ABC..1,2,3 I’m not letting money control me

Shaq is rich; the white man that signs his check is wealthy. Here you go Shaq, go buy yourself a bouncing car. Bling-Bling….I ain’t talking bout Oprah; I’m talking about Bill Gates.. OK! If Bill Gates woke up tomorrow with Oprah’s money he would jump out of a window. I’m not talking about rich, I’m talking about wealthy. – Chris Rock

People pray for poor people, but they listen to rich people. I want to be rich. – John Thompson II

Of the billionaires I have known, money just brings out the basic traits in them. If they were jerks before they had money, they are simply jerks with a billion dollars. – Warren Buffet

Pregnant people get strange tastes. I was pregnant with poverty. Pregnant with dirt and pregnant with smells that turn people away, pregnant with cold and pregnant with shoes that were never bought for me, pregnant with five other people in my bed and No Daddy in the next room, and pregnant with hunger. Paste don’t taste too bad when you’re hungry. These words uttered by a welfare child who saw his mom raise 6 children as a maid. – Dick Gregory

When I was in high school the big thing was to go to college graduate and get a desk job with benefits. Imagine my surprise when I get out of school the oil field workers, construction, energy company workers are making twice as much as me. It was just that, a surprise. I was not envious. I didn’t regret going to school nor was I going to apply to work in these professions.

I recently was faced with a possible opportunity to interview with one of those jobs and it made me revisit how I look at wealth and financial flexibility. I was the kid that would work and save my money for months just to purchase an item I really wanted. It was never about the money. My younger sister would spend money she received that same day. My older sister would spend half, loan out some and save the rest.  I could go without candy; chips and other “nick knacks” because I was focused on what I wanted. I have never been focused or driven by money. I have always looked at money as a tool to acquire goods or services etc.

I think most people would say they would like to live comfortably and that’s fair. I’ve never measured success in dollars and cents. I always felt like if I was happy with me, put God first and I received my families respect and admiration I would be successful. I felt like if I was trying to be the best person I could be I would be successful. As far as wealth I admit I never really gave it much thought until the last few years. Hill Harper is his book The Wealth Cure advises that money is not wealth. “Money plus wellness equals wealth”. In a sense wealth is tied to your health and financial flexibility. If you stay in your financial lane unburdened by unnecessary debt you will remain flexible.

Kevin Hart who, at this present time is about as big as it comes in Hollywood did the Laugh at My Pain tour in 2012. I stay in my financial lane people! Let me explain what I mean when I say this. Here’s what happens you start to make money you meet other people that make money. When you meet other people that make money you want to hang out with these people. Naturally you want to spend money like how they spend money but, you realize that you don’t make the same kind of money that they make. Hart ends the set advising he doesn’t hang around athletes because “they don’t respect money”.

At its core money is just printed green paper that only has the assigned value that has been placed on it. How do you look at money? Do you feel pressure to keep up with the “Jones’s”? That Lexus are condo with the view may be way more significant to you than just “a car” and a “house”. Do you look at money emotionally? Man I had a bad day but, some new shoes will make me feel better. I don’t feel like even leaving the house “I don’t get paid until next week”. We have given money and its pursuit to much value and control over our lives. Money has its place and that is a fact. We need money to acquire goods and services. It is also the compensation we receive for labor and ingenuity. I still can’t comprehend how $8.00 compensates a man for an hour of his life but, I digress. I also encourage people to enjoy the fruits of their labor but, in moderation. By in large I want us to understand that money is not the path to happiness or fulfillment.

I was having a recent conversation with an associate explaining my views on money, wealth and etc. The questions of what is money to you and how do you look at money came up. I asked are you looking to attain money for greed, security, a tool or for some other reason. She posed the question “what if I want to take care of my family or set myself up for the future”. I advised that was very admirable but, at what cost. When your kids are grown and your parents long gone will they remember how well you took care of them or that you were never there. Is it not our purpose in life to help others how can you help others and enjoy life if you are centrally concerned with yourself? You have to find a balance.

The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in your mind. Weak desire brings weak results; just a small fire makes a small amount of heat. – Napoleon Hill

A story on Fear, Motivation and Perseverance

Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke to a nation in his 1933 inaugural address that had fallen on hard times. The Great Depression had turned the nation on its side. The famous quote “my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself’. FDR was telling Americans that there fear and or lack of faith in the economy was making it worse

When I was a child I was taught to use my fear and not to allow my fear to use me i.e. dictate my action. I was also taught that the word’s “I can’t” should never leave a man’s lips. For the most part I would say I have used my fear to make me better by facing new challenges head on. My mother who is a great swimmer told me the story of how she learned to swim when I was a kid. My mom said my grandfather knew she was scared of the water so during one summer day at the lake he decided to throw her in. My mother said it was sink or swim. With the likelihood of drowning my mother remembered the swim techniques that my grandfather had unsuccessfully tried to teach her earlier in the summer. My mother swam that day and she has never stopped.

There was this huge party this fellow attended where he had one to many drinks. As the fellow left the party he had to make the decision to walk or call a cab. The fellow decided that he would cut through the cemetery cutting his mile long walk in half. The fellow made his way halfway through the cemetery when he fell into what appeared to be an open grave. The fellow frantically tried to get out for several minutes but, he eventually gave up. A little later in the night a second man fell into the same open grave as the fellow had fallen in. As the man frantically tried to get out he heard the fellow say “you might as well give up because you’re not getting out”. The man now scared to death quickly made his way out of the open grave.

“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail.”- Confucius

Marianne Williamson authored the 1992 book A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A course in Miracles. In the book the author looked at the changing power that accepting God’s love has on the human spirit. A quote from the book has been used by several other authors:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually who are you not to be?

You are a child of God

Your playing small does not serve the world

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.


All of my fears surround my impact or lack thereof on the world. Did I do my part to reach as many people as I could? What lasting impact did I make? Was I an agent of change or did the world change me? What are your fears? Are they holding you back? Tell yourself today I am motivated to overcome my fear through perseverance.