The trip of a lifetime

There was this ole boy named Johnny Francis. Now Johnny didn’t take no mess from anyone and he would be the first to tell you so. In Johnny’s mind the world belonged to him. Johnny was a nice size fellow who could whoop women and men the same. Johnny kept a razor blade in his pocket each and every day until one day he didn’t. As the story goes Johnny was walking through downtown and this old shoe shine man got in his way. Johnny kicked the old man but, before you could blink the old man tripped Johnny. Johnny ended up flat on his back as the man neatly pressed a steel blade against his neck. The old man said “I’ve killed the old man in you but, I’m going to let the new man live”.  Johnny arrived home completely shaken suddenly realizing that he had his blade in his pocket the whole time. Johnny didn’t find the blade or a lot of his others ways much useful after that.

(1)Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. (Proverbs 27: 1)

Now, I’m Jewish and he’s a Muslim…and because of that he tells me I need to give up certain things, like pork and white women…I can give up the pork, but the white women? God D*mn, how the hell do you do that?

  • Drew “Bundini” Brown

Charlie Rose is an award winning journalist and television show host who has interviewed everyone from prime ministers and foreign dignitaries to sports stars. Charlie Rose recently appeared on TBS to speak with Kenny Smith, Charles Barkley and others during March Madness. The questions quickly turned to Rose’s background and his pointers for a good interview. Rose advised that he worked at the store that his parents owned and being the only child no adults would talk to him unless he asked questions. Rose advised that people fascinated him and stoked his curiosity more than anything.  Charles Barkley asked Charlie Rose how he interviews an entertainer and makes it look so easy as he interviews the president of a country the next day. Rose advised that there is something interesting about everyone you just have to be first curious and second prepared. Rose also advised that he just tries to stay in the moment. Kenny Smith asked Rose how he interview’s people that are difficult or considered “bad”. Rose advised in short that he is always surprised about interviews because some of the “bad people” have been the most engaging, pleasant and relaxed interviews he has had.  Rose advised that out of the what, when and why questions the “why” normally gets people talking. “Why did you feel that way”? “Why did you do you make that decision”?

Some people that know me say that I am “the life” of the party. These people would also say I am really engaging in conversation and easy to be around because I have an infectious personality. Other people would say I am deep, passionate, introspect and my thoughts seam to run endlessly like children at play. This deep/introspective perspective that I am blessed with always me to take utter nothingness and turn it into beautiful bless born on paper. Then there’s a contingent that would say I am very humble, meek, quiet, selective with my words and more selective with actions. I am all of these things and more. I embrace all of these attributes and characteristics because they create the depth that is me. I really enjoy people that have a story. I really enjoy people that have layers to their personality. In this age of followers, favorites and five minute dating I believe we are losing our substance. I think even more today than ever to be different is to me disliked.

Image result for muhammad ali pictures and quotes

He was the salutatorian for his high school class and voted most likely to succeed as he graduated with a 4.2 GPA. He moved on to Stanford University where he graduated with an undergraduate degree in communications. He also completed his first year of graduate level study in communications before putting his studies on hold to enter the professional ranks. Aside from his work professionally he has started a foundation that purchases school supplies for students in low income families. The young man has visited several schools personally spreading the message of hope and determination. Sound like the guy you want your daughter to bring home?

If this same person was called a nig*er, jungle monkey or ape what does that say about our culture. If several people made comments that they believed the young man should be shot in the head would you be embarrassed? If these comments were made by your brother, sister or cousin would you be understanding and ask him/her why? I think to myself if this young man is being labeled as a thug with a degree from Stanford what would I be called? I don’t have a cookie cutter personality nor am I ALWAYS politically correct.  This blog is not about racist or racism. This blog is about the “why”. This blog is about the effort or lack thereof that we exert to understand our fellow man without judgment, condemnation or spite. If you show humility and understanding you may be the trip that allows someone to land on their feet.