#Water for Flint

Its been a little over two weeks since concerns surfaced nationwide  about the amount of lead in water located in Flint, Michigan. The water literally and figuratively appears to get more murky by the day. The latest turn from a legislative stance involves a FBI probe into  the water contamination. The FBI in-conjunction with several other agencies are trying to see if any laws were broken.

In a yahoo.com interview Peter Henning, a law professor at Wayne State in Detroit was not optimistic when he was asked if charges would be filed against state officials. “You need something false (a false statement) to build a case, ” he said. Henning added “simply failing to recognize the seriousness of the situation would not rise to that level”. The below video shows just that (a false statement) from Governor Rick Snyder. The Governor claims the Flint water crisis is new but, he was notified a year ago. The below video shows a series of emails sent to the Governor by Chief of Staff Dennis Muchmore.

From a social perspective millions of Americans have not been waiting of government money to assist the people of Flint, Michigan. The the internet site gofundme opened a challenge on January 22, 2016 to see who could raise the most money for the crisis. As of  February 2, 2016 the site has collected over 405,000 dollars. The winner of the contest Marseile Allen of Flint, Michigan will receive 10,000 from gofundme to further the cause.

In addition to private persons several companies and high profile celebrities have donated. Anheuser- Busch donated several trucks containing over 51,000 bottles of water to Flint. A whose who of celebrities ranging from Jimmy Fallon, Seth Myers, Snoop Dogg, Big Sean, Sean Combs, Madonna, and Pearl Jam have all pledged support. Rapper “The Game” has even taken his pledge a step further calling Jimmy Fallon’s 10,000 donation “cute”. The Game went on to challenge celebrates and wealthy alike to match his 1 million dollar pledge.  


Marseille Allen's has raised over $39,000 on her GoFundMe page for Flint Image result for the game donates to flint

On a the civil rights front Russel Simmons was quoted “It’s not a natural disaster but, they should be able to do more. What’s happening here, this kind of environmental racism could be happening in many other parts of the county. If this were Beverly Hills, it would be a minute before we found out and a second before someone would be blamed and be brought up on charges”. Simmons, Sean Combs and Mark Wahlberg have partnered together in a pledge to donate over 1 million bottles of water.





One comment

  1. pdeex1 · February 23, 2016

    Great work son, slavery Tuskegee, crack, judicial system, water supply, those things are self evident , but like dominoes or cards it’s now our move !


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